Tips for teachers and childcare professionals in Massachusetts to prevent head lice:

Working with children is such an important duty, and while it is fulfilling and truly a service to our youth, it does come with the risk of contracting head lice. We screen and treat childcare and educational professionals frequently at our head lice removal clinic. We are BIG on education ourselves and we always advise clients on how to prevent lice and hopefully, even though we enjoy all of our families who come in, never have to come back to see us  again. We’ve got an excellent track record over these last almost 7 years of curing head lice quickly and safely for our clients, but what we are most proud of is that while we love to educate the families we help, you are just as eager to learn and take preventative measures against catching or re-catching head lice! 

We have simple, effective recommendations that will help keep you and your families lice free:

  1. Wear your hair pulled back in a ponytail, braids, or a bun.
  2. Avoid direct head to head contact. This can happen accidentally or while taking “selfies” or even hugging. 
  3. Use a daily preventative spritz such as our exclusive NitBLOCK to deter lice
  4. Avoid sharing hats and brushes

While these steps are important, most of all, we want you to be aware that if you do contract lice, that it is nothing to panic about and while it is a nuisance, it isn’t a health risk! As we always say, leave lice to the professionals. We are open 7 days a week by appointment and always happy to help! 

View a full list of our professional services.