Raise your hand if you have googled about head lice and debated whether you want to burn your house down or not? Want to know a secret..? I HAD LICE AND I WENT MENTAL (understatement- I went to a BAD, BAD, VERY BAD place) GOOGLE is awesome.. I can find a great place for dinner,…

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Proven Cure For Lice

WOWZA  This post makes me jump for joy because it’s going to cover one of the most flattering events in the lice clinic (**disclaimer- every client we get is flattering, it’s a small business and I appreciate the heck out of all of you fabulous people!) WE GET NUMEROUS HEALTH/MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS THAT BRING THEIR FAMILIES…

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Lice Bringing Families Together

If you’ve been through lice, you are already giggling at the title of this one. Our “lice families” as we refer to you all (in a kind way) are mostly in a state of sheer PANIC. I always say that lice brings out the worst in people.. just like weddings, except there are bugs involved…

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Head Lice Cure

Alright, Alright, Alright (fave movie of mine btw… because the lice lady is not only amazing at killing parasites but is also cool #DazedAndConfused) Dealing with lice is the pits, with a capital “P”. The fastest way to get relief and cure head lice is to just get rid of it, agree? So, the immediate…

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Coming Clean About Lice

Ok folks… lets chat about one of the parts of dealing with lice that moms get SUPER stressed over, telling people that their family had lice. There are a few reasons that telling friends, family members, and school that your child/family had an active infestation is so important: Number one is for selfish reasons- I tell…

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AHHHH! The dreaded “Superlice”. You have to love the media hyping things up. While there is gobs of scientific data and personal experiences with failed attempts to treat head lice using pesticides, I always cringe just a bit when clients ask if we treat “superlice”. That description is absolutely fine.. superlice is accurate. My problem…

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Head Lice and Wine

Let’s be real, mommin’ aint easy! Add to the mix a raging case of lice and it just may do you in. I always “joke” that I should have a wine cooler in the lice clinic (by joke I mean that it takes all my strength not to send each and every one of my…

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The Trauma/Drama Of Head Lice

Head Lice is a complete nightmare in most mom’s minds- there is NOTHING more stressful or shocking that could happen to your family… These are the words that MOST of our clients tell me on the initial phone call. My job is to cure head lice first and foremost which I have to say my…

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